Why you should avoid Afterpay

1 min read

Why you should avoid Afterpay

Buy-now-and-pay-later business, Afterpay is definitely shaking up the payment marketplace. There’s even a nightclub that’s proposing to offer it to it’s customers. Even still, it’s a highly debated issue among Australians.

My advice about Afterpay?

And if you’re thinking about purchasing, investing or refinancing a property in early 2020, don’t use Afterpay for your holiday shopping.

More generally, if you’re going to use it, do it after you’ve got your home loan. Banks and lenders that see Afterpay on your banking statements get nervous about your saving and spending habits. More simply, it raises flags about a consumer’s ability to budget and live within their means.

I’m working with many customers who have very strong loan applications but are running into issues because of just a few small Afterpay transactions.

If you’re going to use Afterpay, use it as a short term incentive but make sure to pay it back as quickly as possible.

If you need a hand managing your existing Afterpay payments, or would like to know more about how these could impact your home loan application, I’m happy to speak with you.

Let’s get real about Afterpay

Hit the button below to arrange a conversation with one of my debt management specialists to lower the affect on your home loan application.

We experts in debt consolidation. You’re in good hands.

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